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Модератор форума: Артур888, 2snakes, SHULTZ  
tatДата: Суббота, 09.04.2011, 20:45 | Сообщение # 221
Город: Москва
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Quote (Milla)
возможно, с биомеханической точки зрения. Когда голова перевешивает

Боже, я это представила. Но голова должна быть. Маленькая невыразительная голова у кобеля, и все... он не Кобель, а так - коллекционер фаберже
ГРОССДата: Понедельник, 11.03.2013, 16:25 | Сообщение # 222
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
латыши поведали письмо:
Прощай чемпион Балтии?????
To the Estonian kennel Club members

Latvian and Lithuanian kennel clubs would like to inform You about the situation which has arisen between our organizations and your Kennel club.

Since 2002 our three Kennel clubs have agreement about cooperation in organizing the „Baltic Winner” shows and confirmation of National championship titles.

In 2008 Estonian Kennel club changed rules about awarding CAC certificate, it determined the age limit – dog could receive this certificate only being older than 24 months. This decision was made without informing the partners – Latvian and Lithuanian Kennel clubs and had put Estonian dogs in more favourable position than our dogs. After discussions Estonian kennel club agreed to continue the agreement and allowed Latvian and Lithuanian dogs to receive CAC certificate without age limit.

In 2012 Estonian Kennel Club again, without any information and discussions, has made changes in Show Rules and, nameley, in item 5.5 setting ban to show cropped and docked dogs from countries where these operations are not allowed. Estonian kennel club don`t know the legislation of Latvia and Lithuania in details - we have exceptions when dogs which have been born, live and are owned in Latvia can be shown in Shows. We discussed this Show Rules item 5.5 in joint meeting on August 2012 in Riga, Latvia. In this meeting participated the presidents of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian kennel clubs as well as the Chairman of the Board of Estonian Kennel Club Mrs. Astrid Lundava. We made the decision – in order to continue the agreement for organization of Baltic Winner Shows and champion tittle confirmations Estonian Kennel Club will allow dogs from neighbouring countries to participate at EKU and their member shows without any discrimination.

On March 2, 2013 at National Show, which was hold in Tallin, two Dobermanns from Latvia with cropped ears and docked tail were banned from the show directly from the ring. The organizing club has accepted 150 euros as entry fees, have sent the confirmation of entries, have issued participant numbers and when these exibitors came with the male in the ring they did not allow him to participate in the show. It is after 300 km travelling! We consider this action organized specially against Latvian dogs and we did not see further possibilities to continue the agreement.

From today on we have stoped the agreement between our countries till your Kennel club sends us explanation and evaluation of the situation. The termination of agreement means: we will not confirm Junior or National championship titles with 1 JCAC/1 CAC for Estonian dogs and Estonian Kennel Club will not be any more one of the organizers of Baltic Winner Shows. We will be very sorry and upset if your kennel club officials will have not good will to solve this problem.

We have written and published this letter in public area with only one aim: every member of Estonian Kennel Club must know the truth, because rumors go around very quickly in dog fancier’s world.

Vija Klucniece Ramune Kazlauskaite

The president of LKF The president of LKD

А У нас есть щенки - тел. 8-911-458-13-20
Калининградские Стаффи - самые западные стаффи России))))
IrinaZДата: Понедельник, 11.03.2013, 17:59 | Сообщение # 223
Город: Москва
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Ндааа. Досадно. Если и договорятся между собой, то боюсь нескоро. Правила присуждения титулов в этих странах разные. Строже всего конечно в Эстонии.

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