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Dog Show Classifications

  • Minor Puppy
    For dogs of six and not exceeding nine calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.
  • Puppy
    For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.
  • Junior
    For dogs of six and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.
  • Yearling
    For dogs of twelve and not exceeding twenty-four calendar months of age on the first day of the Show.
  • Beginners
    For owner, handler or exhibit not having won a first prize at any Show.
  • Maiden
    For dogs which have not won a First Prize at any Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
  • Novice
    For dogs which have not won three or more First Prizes at any Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
  • Tyro
    For dogs which have not won five or more First Prizes at any Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
  • Debutant
    For dogs which have not won a First Prize at an Open or Championship Show (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
  • Graduate
    For dogs which have not won four or more First Prizes at Open or Championship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not.
  • Post Graduate
    For dogs which have not won five or more First Prizes at Championship and Open Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not.
  • Minor Limit
    For dogs which have not won three or more First Prizes in all at Open and Championship Shows in Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not.
  • Under Graduate
    For dogs which have not won three or more First Prizes at Open or Championship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
  • Mid Limit
    For dogs which have not won five or more First Prizes in all at Open and Championship Shows in Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, where restricted or not.
  • Limit
    For dogs which have not won seven or more First Prizes in all, at Open and Championship Shows in Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not.
  • Open
    For all dogs of the breeds for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show.
  • Veteran
    For dogs of not less than seven years of age on the first day of the Show.
  • Field Trial
    For dogs which have won prizes, Diplomas of Merit or Certificates of Merit in actual competition at a Field Trial held under Kennel Club or Irish Kennel Club Field Trial Regulations.
  • Working Trial
    For dogs which have won prizes in competition at a Bloodhound Working Trial and Kennel Club licensed Working Trials, held under Kennel Club Regulations.
  • Stud Dog
    For stud dogs and at least two progeny of which only the progeny must be entered and exhibited in a breed class at the Show.
  • Brood Bitch
    For brood bitches and at least two progeny of which only the progeny must be entered and exhibited in a breed class at the Show.
  • Progeny
    For a dog or bitch, accompanied by at least three of its registered progeny. The dog or bitch not necessarily entered in another class however, all progeny having been entered and exhibited in another class. The dog or bitch and the progeny need not be registered in the same ownership.
  • Brace
    For two exhibits (either sex or mixed) of one breed belonging to the same exhibitor, each exhibit having been entered in some class other than Brace or Team.
  • Team
    For three or more exhibits (either sex or mixed) of one breed belonging to the same exhibitor, each exhibitor having been entered in some class other than Brace or Team.
  • Breeders
    For dogs bred by the exhibitor.
  • Good Citizen Dog Scheme Class
    For dogs that have achieved their GCDS Bronze Award Certificate or above.

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