результаты - с венгерского форума IV. Dr. Tarr Győző Memorial, Budapest
2008. május 10.
Bíró: Mr. Bill McKnight - Belnite (UK)
Az eredménylista még nem teljes.
Kölyök kan:
1. Courtesy Title Han Solo - nagyon ígéretes 1. Best Puppy
Stormbull Solo - Courtesy Title Pahet
2. Erik Von Rancsi - nagyon ígéretes 2.
Slug-A-Bed Dream Lover - Gerecse Csillaga Angie
Baby szuka:
1. Alines Morisette of Asas Staff - nagyon ígéretes 1.
Jehtro Tull Daffodil Yellow - White Falcon of Uplander
2. Devils And Fairies Dream Maker - nagyon ígéretes 2.
Staffgold Marks Daffodil Yellow - Sweet Poison Daffodil Yellow
Kölyök szuka:
1. Courtesy Title Arwen - nagyon ígéretes 1.
Stormbull Solo - Courtesy Title Pahet
2. Slug-A-ben Natty - nagyon ígéretes 2.
Mister Marksman Mariatos - Slug-A-Bed Amanda Lear
Fiatal kan:
1. English Star Hocus-Pocus - kitünõ 1. HPJ, Best Junior
Indianstaff Ever So Easy - Jelly-Belly The English Heritage
2. Dream Tymm Fransimo Bohemia - kitünõ 2.
Valglo Clansman - Lady Voodoo Daffodil Yellow
3. Funny-Fighter's Pedró - kitünõ 3.
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Funny-Fighter's Aradóna
4. Courtesy Title Hattori Hanzo - kitünõ 4.
Lackyle Cean Miotal - Courtesy Title Josephine
5. Staffgold Red Star
Christaff Behelzibub - Hot Staff's Nora Staffgold
6. Gerecse Csillaga Dáriusz
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Dolores of Power Symbol
7. Harszti Tûzgolyó Apolló
Cserbaházi Aladin - Celtic Staff Happyness
8. Sylstaff Cock Sparrer
Tytan Des Gardies De L'ame Celte - Victorian Princess of The Browndeanlaws Bullyboys
Növendék kan:
1. Staffgold Jump And Run - kitünõ 1. CAC
Jack Staffgold Daffodil Yellow - D'Spain F/N Batgirl at Staffgold
2. Vám-Rott Snow Queen's - kitünõ 2. Res.CAC
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Bad Jankee's Hanna
3. Vám-Rott Jhon Gotti - kitünõ 3.
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Bad Jankee's Hanna
4. Solar Wings Agent Steel - kitünõ 4.
Heiter Krieger Welasques - Rus Terer Blacky Bun
5. Nexus Funny-Fighter's
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Kitty Funny-Fighter's
6. Black Hair Exluzív Boy of Abysmal
Casper Pet Shop - Black Hair Abysmal Stomach
7. Slug-A-Bed Gabriel
Redraf Patriot Borne - Slug-A-Bed Amanda Lear
Nyílt kan:
1. Courtesy Title Mnevisz - kitünõ 1. CAC
Timgold Gold Prince of Spain - Courtesy Title Josephine
2. Devils And Fairies Casanova - kitünõ 2. Res.CAC
Jehtro Tull Daffodil Yellow - Devils And Fairies Anastacia
3. Ford Fairlane of Uplander - kitünõ 3.
Jehtro Tull Daffodil Yellow - Cassius Pea of Speed Hunter
4. Ringmaster Tommy Gunn - kitünõ 4.
Elata Bana of Ballytwist - Ringmaster Inca Queen
5. Celticstaff Daredevil
Dumbriton Out Of Aces - Celticstaff Snowflake
6. Diaquiry Wizard Bull
Staffmate Noble Ambassador - Extravaganza Mat-Staff Komisarz
7. Noble Roi Daffodil Yellow
Erkan Aki Daffodil Yellow - Jeanne D'Arc Daffodil Yellow
8. Slug-A-Bed Ford Fairlane
Dumbriton Out Of Aces - Slug-A-Bed Amanda Lear
9. Thorax First Thyme
Ringmaster Guns 'N' Roses - Thorax Kiss Me Kate
10. Redraf Patriot Borne
Desperado of Power Symbol - Duchess Lucinda of Redraf
Champion kan:
1. Diesel Wizard Bull - kitünõ 1. CAC, Best Of Breed
Staffmate Noble Ambassador - Extravaganza Mat-Staff Komisarz
2. Indianstaff Ever So Easy - kitünõ 2. Res.CAC
Crossguns Nitro Express - Indianstaff Bonzai Love
3. Slug-A-Bed Dream Lover - kitünõ 3.
Dombriton Out Of Aces - Slug-A-Bed Amanda Lear
Veterán kan:
1. Desperado of Power Symbol - kitünõ 1. CAC
Boldmore Talk Talk - Wild Flower of Defender's
Fiatal szuka:
1. Courtesy Title Black Mamba - kitünõ 1. HPJ
Lackyle Cean Miotal - Courtesy Title Josephine
2. Vám-Rott Málna at Domoyco Sniper - kitünõ 2.
English Star Gunman - Bad Jankee's Hanna
3. Slug-A-Bed Kill Joy - kitünõ 3.
Slug-A-Bed El Loco Duke B7 - Black Hair Beyond Price
Növendék szuka:
1. Heiter Krieger Easy Going - kitünõ 1. CAC, Best Opposite Sex
Gadkey's Sky Walker - Gwyn Pinky
2. Vám-Rott Forever Lulu - kitünõ 2. Res.CAC
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Bad Jankee's Hanna
3. Vám-Rott Jessie Black - kitünõ 3.
Courtesy Title Mnevisz - Bad Jankee's Hanna
4. Slug-A-Bed Joan Jett - kitünõ 4.
Slug-A-Bed El Loco Duke B7 - Celtic Staff Dark Daisy
5. English Star Happiness
Indianstaff Ever So Easy - Jelly-Belly The English Heritage
Nyílt szuka:
1. Sweet Poison Daffodil Yellow - kitünõ 1. CAC
Jehtro Tull Daffodil Yellow - Kiss And Touch Daffodil Yellow
2. Slug-A-Bed Celic Goddes - kitünõ 2. Res.CAC
Dumbriton Out Of Aces - Ligetõre Elzevír
3. Xanadu Fransimo Bohemia - kitünõ 3.
Darkestock Fransimo Lad - By'Dona Gia Impossant Bohemia
4. Dzhey Ti Virginia Vismut - kitünõ 4.
Thorax First Thyme - Dzhey Ti Black Magic
5. Slug-A-Bed Gobbi Hilda
Redraf Patriot Borne - Slug-A-Bed Amanda Lear
Champion szuka:
1. Dorothea Wizard Bull - kitünõ 1. CAC
Staffmate Noble Ambassador - Extravaganza Mat-Staff Komisarz