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Модератор форума: SHULTZ  
12.03.2011, Бирмингем, Англия, Крафтс
Sonja-staffonjaДата: Четверг, 03.02.2011, 21:42 | Сообщение # 1
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Муж позабыт,
Позаброшены дети,
Кто-то дал ссылку
На Крафтс в интернете!

Mr C A Brindley (ринг кобелей)
Mrs M S Ward (ринг сук)

185 кобелей (по каталогу 214 номеров, т.к. 1 собака может выставляться не в одном классе)
167 сук (по каталогу 180 номеров)
Итого 352 собак, и 394 номеров
(добавлено модератором)
расписание http://www.crufts.org.uk/whats-on
видео http://www.crufts.org.uk/interact/video

Сообщение отредактировал Sonja-staffonja - Четверг, 03.02.2011, 21:52
Sonja-staffonjaДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 00:43 | Сообщение # 141
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Quote (2snakes)
тебе не запомнилась эта собачка

Я ж все по девочкам ...

Шутка юмора:
"Смотрите, у моего папки часы какие!"

"Молчи дочка, а то скрадут!"

2snakesДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 00:51 | Сообщение # 142
Город: Москва
Группа: Модераторы
Статус: Offline
Quote (Sonja-staffonja)
Молчи дочка,

biggrin biggrin biggrin

адрес счастливых и улыбчивых)))
The Star always shines from above (с)
Sonja-staffonjaДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 01:00 | Сообщение # 143
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
"Насмешили! Я валяюсь!"

"Папуль, раз 5-ое место, то я лошара, да?"

"Ну почему мы здесь, а не дома?!"

2snakesДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 01:04 | Сообщение # 144
Город: Москва
Группа: Модераторы
Статус: Offline
Quote (Sonja-staffonja)
Ну почему мы здесь, а не дома?!"

оой... cry фотка - впору рыдать!!!

адрес счастливых и улыбчивых)))
The Star always shines from above (с)
Sonja-staffonjaДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 01:07 | Сообщение # 145
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Quote (2snakes)
фотка - впору рыдать!!!

и симпатичный пацан, кстати...

у меня фоток еще как минимум штук 20 wacko но их я со временем осилю smile

2snakesДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 01:09 | Сообщение # 146
Город: Москва
Группа: Модераторы
Статус: Offline
Quote (Sonja-staffonja)
но их я со временем осилю

мы будем терпеливо ждать)) я знаю что такое большое колличество фоток))
Quote (Sonja-staffonja)
симпатичный пацан, кстати...

biggrin а номерочек не запомнился??)) случайно

адрес счастливых и улыбчивых)))
The Star always shines from above (с)
стаффикДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 04:26 | Сообщение # 147
Город: Иркутск
Группа: Special Junior
Статус: Offline
спасибо за фото и смешные комменты! biggrin

Sonja-staffonjaДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 13:26 | Сообщение # 148
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Всем спасибо за спасибо! очень рада, что фотки интересны. Условия для фоток были не очень smile и далеко и толкучка вокруг рингов. Хорошо, что мои труды не пропали даром. smile
Sonja-staffonjaДата: Суббота, 19.03.2011, 10:50 | Сообщение # 149
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Пыталась перевести, но мне не хватает знания терминов и анатомии:)

Critique, Crufts, S.B.T. (Dogs) 12th March 2001

Ринговые стюарды George и Sharon были превосходны. Я очень признателен им за их работу.

Кобелей с плохой зубной системой было ничтожно мало, но было несколько собак чьи морды были слишком короткими по отношению к их большим головам. The Kennel Club призывает владельцев держать своих собак в хорошей спортивной форме. Известно, что излишний вес людей причиняет ущерб здоровью. Тоже самое применимо и к нашим четвероногим друзьям, а в Стаффордах много собак с избытком веса.

Как я обычно встречаю здесь также было множество коротких and straight upper arms and sometimes forward placed shoulders. Передняя часть должна иметь такое строение, которое позволяло бы лапам шагать досаточно далеко для того, чтобы справится с направленным вперед толчком задних ног без необходимости корректировать движения, чтобы препятствовать слишком скорому касанию пола передними лапами.

Насколько это возможно я старался выбирать моих победителей, чтобы они были fairly sound in front and rear angulations и также хорошо сбалансированными и в хорошей физической форме.

Моя благодарность экспонентам, которые все без исключения были милы, любезны и sporting, блгодаря чему шоу было приятным зрелищем для зрителей и счастливым событием для меня.

Сообщение отредактировал Sonja-staffonja - Суббота, 19.03.2011, 10:58
ФедорДата: Суббота, 19.03.2011, 11:01 | Сообщение # 150
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Спасибо ВАМ огромное за предоставленную информацию ну и конечно за фотки и комментарии .
flowers flower hands hands heart respect yahoo

soloДата: Суббота, 19.03.2011, 18:37 | Сообщение # 151
Город: Муром
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Sonja-staffonja, Оля, спасибо за перевод и еще раз за фото.
Milla, Люда, спасибо.

добро пожаловать в гости!

Сообщение отредактировал solo - Суббота, 19.03.2011, 22:21
tatianaaxel2007Дата: Суббота, 19.03.2011, 22:18 | Сообщение # 152
Город: Москва
Группа: Special Junior
Статус: Offline
Sonja-staffonja, Спасибо за перевод и фото!!!!!
Milla, спасибо за информацию!!!

Чем дольше живу среди людей, тем больше люблю собак.
awantyra33Дата: Понедельник, 21.03.2011, 16:37 | Сообщение # 153
Город: Гусь-Хрустальный
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Люда,Олья,большое спасибо за фото,информацию!
2snakesДата: Среда, 30.03.2011, 00:07 | Сообщение # 154
Город: Москва
Группа: Модераторы
Статус: Offline
огромное спасибо Гелене и тебе Люда! фотки восхитительны))
Тоби Тобиас мил-мил... очень мил... и не хрупок smile

адрес счастливых и улыбчивых)))
The Star always shines from above (с)
стаффикДата: Среда, 30.03.2011, 03:58 | Сообщение # 155
Город: Иркутск
Группа: Special Junior
Статус: Offline
2snakes, ну,что, держись Крафтс 2012? cool
Milla, Гелена, спасибо за фото!

стаффикДата: Среда, 30.03.2011, 10:50 | Сообщение # 156
Город: Иркутск
Группа: Special Junior
Статус: Offline
Quote (Milla)
в чем это выразится

на месте разберемся! главное - настрой! biggrin

awantyra33Дата: Среда, 30.03.2011, 18:31 | Сообщение # 157
Город: Гусь-Хрустальный
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Какие касивые собаки,Люда спасибоза фото!
tatianaaxel2007Дата: Четверг, 31.03.2011, 21:25 | Сообщение # 158
Город: Москва
Группа: Special Junior
Статус: Offline
Quote (Milla)
Zakstaff Toby Tobias, сын Стормбулл Соло

Какой же он красавец. Нет слов.

Чем дольше живу среди людей, тем больше люблю собак.
Sonja-staffonjaДата: Среда, 06.04.2011, 18:16 | Сообщение # 159
Город: Москва/Щелково
Группа: Open
Статус: Offline
Описание девочек

What a lovely time to be judging the breed with such quality in the bitches. only wished I could have had twice the cards in some of the classes, so pleased to see our breed recognised in the group and what sup­pore from exhibitors and spectators alike. my thanks to all. truly a day to remember. Ours is a powerful but agile breed. comple­rnented by the balance between. the strength of the bull and the agility of the terrier it is a fine line. extremes or lack of this balance lead to heavy doddy bodies. short muzzles restricting movement. breathing problems. too much accent of the second result in nar­row weak fronts. lack of power in rear quar­ters which could lead to whelping problems also loosing type. little problem with mouths. just a couple of canines just holding. any of these listed were penalised. but I'm please to say with a quality entry both in numbers and exhibits there were few.

VB (11.1) All in this class placed or not Cl credit to their owners these well loved mature ladies.
I Nortons Stormpike Cleopatra Of Tlkkurllan, few months over 8yrs and full of herself. still strength in head. eye on the judge and loving the ring. plenty of strength in bone and not over weight in loin. no loss of muscle tone in quarters which showed on the move, plenty of power from rear action. and in lovely fit condition. that gave her the edge today. well on her toes.
2 Nortons Ch Tikkurilan Ticka Teboo, loving her day out showing her pleasure to be back in the ring. blbr/w. good head shape solid front liked her overall body shape. good bone had sub­seance to match. and fitness that belied her age. well up in loins. good turn of stifle. used her cars throughout. JUSt preferred overall size of I se.
3 Bruton's Ch Ferrymans Velvet Duchess Jw, beautiful outline and body shape and at I st glance an Instant winner. classic head, dark eyes, lovely rose ears and beautiful outline. well . ribbed. lovely size everything about this 7yr beauty belies her age, but just not move with conviction today which put her further down the line.
SpPB (18.1) Tried to make allowances for some over exuberance in the puppy class and most settled when moved again, but what a lovely class of youngsters.
I Summerflelds Canakey Swcetpea, no hesitation this is it smart youngster going places. sparkling image she loves the ring, and has all the attributes to match her air of confidence, II mths rcd/w. good pigmentation, lovely headplece correct proportions. of skull to well balanced muz­zle, good stop. clean mouth tight lips, nice eye, uses her ears to advantage, liked the space between legs, good bone and feet. spring of rib in keeping With body shape and up at loins, just right on covering free and easy mover with topline remaining level, Best Bitch Puppy, and later with referee Best Puppy in Breed.
2William~s Bellajazz Annalisa, another to watch also II rnths b/w with a lovely dark eye, balanced head shape, nice bite, liked her neck and shoulders, not quite the front of I but enough between legs for age, this will come with time. body shape was nice with just the right tuck up and rear quarters in keeping with age, no lack of con­fidence on the move another to watch.
3 Partlert's [anikastco Miss Hellfyre Of Starolestaff attractive headed II rnth red/w, good eye nice stop. lovely expression very attentlve using her ears and eyes in full alert­ness, not quite so mature in fronc but bone and rib equal well In proportion. with overall body slze and shape. liked this youngster. n1ce to see when that extra maturity comes to finish off the picture. and didn't disappoint on the move showing the same attention to handler.

SpJ B (17.2) good class hard to sep­erate. maturity played a big part in placing, some waiting for that bit more developmen
I Slrnpson's Briganah Breaking Dawn JW lots to like about this 15 mth b/br, loved the depth of foreface good Stop and clean tight lips, round dark eye looking straight ahead, good bone not overdone. had the edge on front. with good sound front assembly plen­ty of lung room, strong boned legs with well knit feet and strong pasterns. all this showed giving the right propulsion on the move.
2 Mallia1s Dazrnarnic Double Trouble, 14mth lovely ear carriage; well made skull with desired expression
loveIy flow from her neck into her topline, plenty between the legs nice solid legs showed on her front movement, well ribbed just the right amount of sub ranee to match her frame was more settled on the move than 3 giving chance to show her attributes off more.
3 Parker's N ecleworth Nitty Gritty JW. lovely in pro­file this 15 rnth youngster. well proportioned head. good stop. clean mouth, neat rose ears. short well coupled body shape, nice spring of rib. good bend of stifle but not overdone, well muscled rear quarters, settled better moving away.little separated the full placlngs in this class feel these had that little more maturity. but good for the breed to have this standard in the young bitches.

YB (24.4) Lovely class some a little too fined down spoiling overall shape and balance.
I Bell's Cannichbull Sweet Mystery ShCM. 19mth blbr slight more strength in quarters gave her the edge today ,balanced skull and muzzle ,clean mouth short muscular neck into shoulders ,nice spring of rib ,just the rigth covering over body to balance ,well muscled rear quarters ,which showed on the move Wlth more power from behind. topllne remained level on the move.
2 Hyde's Sedgbred Beacon Baroness. Well propor­tioned body and head, good munle length with lovely size teeth and tight lips very neat looking youngster all round dark eye nice ear carriage, plenty of rib Into short compact body length. nice bend of stlfle, didnt disap­pointed on the move just preferred the feet of I.
3 Hopkin's Trufflestaff Haslna Bahltl well proportloncd throughout this sryllsh b/w, nice size, good body shape and construction with 110 sign of coarseness, also good balance of bone. with body substance this was the deciding factor between her and the reserve. dark eye neat oars on a wall bal­anced head positive in her movement.

UGB (12.2) I Nlcholson's Balllndona Bombshell. enchanting expression from well shaped head. lovely round dark eye and well placed neat ears. c lean mouth good dentition and underjaw, lovely balanced head on this b/br/w. good depth to brisket lovely padded feet and well bent stifle moved with style and ease keeping her topline firm and giving her the placing.
2 Hunt's Carnig Cheeky Rascal. good style to this lady. solid but fem­inine head piece. nice eye shape strength and length of neck required flowed into the body. liked her all round size. with good length to leg compatible to body with depth of chest, which gave her the edge over 3rd, would benefit by using her cars more. 3 Jone's Staffwize Shakira At Kobcllic good proportions to head nice shaped lovely dark eye. good stop. pleasing outline to this pret­ty bitch. well boned. adequate spring of rib. with good covering well In at loins. with well developed quarters was In an earlier strong class pulled out In the cut.

GB (15.2) I Nicholson's Balllndona Bombshell.
2 Davles's Crynants Treasured Beauty. aptly named attractive b/br. good strength In head with­out being course. balanced muzzle well set dark eyes. good overall type with shape and size to match. strong muscular neck. good front layback and ribbing. neat feet. I st slight­ly stronger in quarters
3 Bowdery's Zakstaff Miss O'reilly At Southscar good style in head. width of skull to length of muzzle with good strength of forcface, well laid shoulders. enough between legs into well ribbed body and enough strength in quarters not quite the neatness of feet made the difference.

PGB (19.2) I Badenhorst's Ramblestaff Fanny F'nakapan. lovely boned fit b/br. well developed head piece. good width to skull in balance with muzzle. nice stop. depth to body strength in front, good strong neck flows Into shoulders and well boned legs. nice spring of rib and strength in loins. as good on the move as standing in profile.
2 Reid & Booth's Ramblestaff Take On Me, pleasing oudine with style and balance with good muscle In loin and quarters. solid legs with ample space between. scored in head shape. good eye. ear placement. width to skull and slight more balance in muzzle giving her the decision over 3rd. no loss of power on the move.
3 Winrow's Jayneze Dokie Okie. lots to like here and not a hint of coarseness on this attactive bfbr beautiful expression. she really uses those eyes and ears to full advantage. nice shaped head­piece. bone in proportion to body weight. and substance to match. with spring of rib and nice tuck up. not disappointed on the move, gave everything the handler asked of her

MLB (22,2) Excellent Class was close even in the cut,
I Booth & Grlmwood's Ramblestaff JorJa On My Mind J\I\I. sound throughout with overall balance and construction well chiselled head, liked her balance of foreface with strength In muzzle lovely strong teeth correct bite, good strong neck. cleanly set into shoulders. spring of rib well in at loins correct angulations at hindquarters strong second thigh with well padded tight feet well up on pastern showed on the move.
2 Crick's Jessie Rose Of Crlckelstaff, lovely neckline with strength and shape into balanced head of good proportions, nice eye and length of muzzle no weakness in under jaw. depth to body strength in front, well ribbed, good bone and lovely tight. feet moved well both fore and aft. close decision just that whisker in loin rnade the difference.
3 Latallerlc's Shades Of Blue Easy Evidence, good body shape and constructlon, solid front well boned leg
plenty of heart room, liked the overall conflrmatton of bone and substance to this attractive bltch, well defined head shape. nice proportion of skull to foreface, good spring of rib. well muscled quarters that showed on the move with power in the rear action, has nice ears well set but needs to use them more when it matters.

LB (29) Lovely class of top quality really close decisions.
I Frankland's Aldwych Tiger Lily. really shows herself this pretty lady with lovely clean pro­file. neck and forequarters. excellent muscle tone throughout. well developed head. good neat rose ear and eye set which enhances her expression. length of foreface in balance with head. good depth at brisket. nice lay back in shoulder into rib and well in at loins with good bend of stifle and strength in rear quarters, covering the ground with ease but no lack of power.
2 Francis & Hillman's Samtan Forget-Me-Not JVY. b/br/w excels in head shape and expression. solid construct­ed skull. good cheek muscles correct length of muzzle. well proportioned throughout with compact body shape. good depth of brisket. well placed shoulders and rib. strength in rear quarters. JUSt a whisker longer in loin but I was knit picking.
3 Caswell & Dowling's Leger Odds On favourite At Cyberstaff JW ShCM. full of s(yle and showed throughout. lovely headed bitch. typical expression etyes looking straight forward. balanced foreface and no lack of under jaw. clean body outline lovely flow from neck into topline with strength. rib eo match body. no lack of strength in front but 2nd just had the edge. liked her strong quar­ters well muscled and strength in loin. lovely rear action.

OB (23.4) such quality in this class did not like even making the cut, such was me quality.
I Trow's Ch Hubbulls The Promise. stunning is a word I rarely use but this beautiful pigrnented red bitch oozes with quality. every part from head to quar­ters flows into each other. taken from any angle she stands four square. lovely chiselled head. with ratio of skull to muzzle. round eye that look straight ahead. and ears to match good stop chiselled cheek bones. tight mouth. strong bite and underjaw, clean neck with strength Into well laid back shoulders. good bone to legs plenty of lung room with­out being overdone. spring of ribs into loins. good compact body with rear angulation to match. tight skin with good coat texture fit­ting the body shape. moving free covered the ground with power and ease, topline firm on the move. she has the strength. agili­ty, substance and balance at the same time there is no doubting her sex, no hesitation in awarding the CC, later by the referee BOB and what joy for the breed to see her take 3rd in the terrier group still on sparkling form.
2 Hopkin's Ch Trufflestaff Monifa Kanika jW. loved her when I gave her a CC in [unior and has only improved and was pre­pared to give her a second. this is Crufts, beautiful in profile and handled to perfection she has natural charisma and loves the ring. beautiful head piece with good proportions. deep skull well muscled cheek bones, cor­rect length of muzzle to balance strength in under jaw, dark eye well placed ears which she takes full use of to complete the picture, depth In brisket. correct amount of sep.ld­[ion between well boned legs, lovely con­structed body shape with parts flowing into each other giving balance throughout, ribbed up into strong loins and well muscled quar­ters with no hint of looseness or weakness. and true powerful action both fore and aft with no hint of slackness on tepline happy to award RCC.
3 Jackson & Whitehouse's Ch Bourelc Wot A Steal JW excels in head this beautiful blbrfw lady. width to skull with depth in muzzle lovely cheek bumps to bal­ance with foreface, good white teeth tight lips, dark round eyes that never stop looking at you to finish that beautiful expression, no lack of under jaw, pleney of room between well boned legs well off (or brisket, lovely fronced bitch, well padded (eet, ample strength in neck with nice lay back shoul­ders and rib into loin and strength in rear quarters with good bend of stifle, moved with strength both ways.

Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch (7) I Bouter Feenstra's DutchfBel/Lux lint Ch Old Cross Guns I Salute You. Good upstanding b/br lovely solid body shape well boned through out but not coarse or overdone, strong (ore­quarters with good solid boned legs and plenty of brisket. strong neck plenty of rib balanced head, good skull shape in propor­tion to foreface and muzzle and strength in under jaw, strong body with substance to match shape. strong in hindquarters making the difference.did not disappoint on the move no hesitation or weaknesses
2 Essex's Javawolf Mogwaiaw (5) smart r/w well fronted bitch with depth to forequarters strength in front. well defined head, nice ratio of skull to muz­zle, solid bone to legs and good neck into shoulders, spring of rib, well up in quarters lovely fit bitch well on her toes never let handler down.
3 Hall's Rekrahstaff Miss Attitude Cum Geordiesraff nice all round b/br good head shape. lovely eye placement and colour depth of brisket, nicely con­structed body shape, has strong bone to match with good ribs, feel a little less weight on loins would complete the picture but moved well both ways for handler.
Maureen Ward

Добавлено (06.04.2011, 18:16)
Вот по девочкам преабмула, если кратко.

Наша - мощная, но подвижная порода дополняется балансом между силой бульдога и ловкостью терьера – это тонкая грань. Перебор или недостаток этого баланса приводит к тяжелым телам , ограничивающим движение, и коротким мордам, создающим проблемы с дыханием. Особый акцент следует сделать на узком слабом фронте, недостаточно сильной задней части, что может привести к проблемам с рождением щенков и также потере типа. Небольшие проблемы были с зубами.

2snakesДата: Среда, 06.04.2011, 18:19 | Сообщение # 160
Город: Москва
Группа: Модераторы
Статус: Offline
smile настолько интересная преамбула, что хочется все перевести))

адрес счастливых и улыбчивых)))
The Star always shines from above (с)
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